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a smorgasbord of links about physics, maths, music, life and more.
Particle physics lecture series by Alex Flournoy
Physics X lectures by Prof Alex Flournoy
Wittgenstein: This is very pleasant pineapple
Atoms of Spacetime and Nature of Gravity
Liquid helium 2: The superfluid phase of helium by Alferd Leitner
How to be a good theoretical physicist.
The Royal Institute
Theory of relativity, Then and Now
Ri lecture: History of Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics
Wings of Fire
The theory of Everything
Wittgenstein's bettle in a box
Ignited Minds: Unleashing power within
History of Music
Story of Hindustani Classical Music
History of indian classical music
An exploration of the relationship between Music and Mathematics
The future of Quantum biology
The monty hall problem
Rock, paper, scissors; the math
Good Will Hunting problem
The Riemann hypothesis
Who was the real Good Will Hunting?
Escaping from a black hole
How to image something that is hidden
How slow motion cameras changed the movies we see
101 inventions that changed the world
A new theory to the formation of moon
Who controls us ?